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Deeply rooted commitment

Hear what some of the South Burlington community has to say about their South Burlington Police Department

Meaghan Emery

South Burlington City Council

We are very fortunate that our police officers are not only exceptionally good in their jobs but also very knowledgeable and accessible to our community members. They know our residents, and this familiarity supports an ethics of care within our neighborhoods. In other situations, too, involving people from out of town, our officers have been commended for their professionalism and concern for people's welfare. They're the gold standard of public safety."


Is this enough? I have two stories that come to mind, but it's hard to boil them down into a few sentences. I have tried, and feel free to use any of what I've written -- or none.


Officer Bri, the SRO at Chamberlin, made a personal visit to answer my daughter's questions and doubts after news of George Floyd's death at the hands of a police officer back in May 2020. Officer Bri's experience, training, and human compassion came through in their discussion, and my daughter's trust was renewed, based on her confidence that officers within our agency treat people with fairness and hold one another accountable for their actions.


At a time when there had been a series of break-ins and burglaries in my neighborhood, when news spread of a young man, a neighbor, going door to door, trying to enter homes, officers responded quickly over multiple occurrences. They were able to speak with him and his family and inform neighbors about him so that we might feel less threatened, knowing that he had no criminal history and that his family was concerned and determined to keep him safe.

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Shawn Burke

Chief of Police

I have served with the South Burlington Police Department since 2018. Policing in South Burlington is incredibly rewarding given the vibrant nature of the City coupled with the community support the police department receives. The organization offers diversity in assignment; Patrol, BCI, K-9, Drug Task Force, and Youth Services in addition to the opportunities for promotion all combine to offer a very fulfilling policing career. The talented members of this organization are team oriented and service minded which are qualities we look for in new applicants. If you are considering a policing career in Northwestern Vermont there is no better police organization than ours.


Imam Islam Hassan 

The Islamic Society of Vermont

When we first decided to relocate to the city of South Burlington in 2019, and before we made the actual move, we were invited by SBPD to a personal meeting with chief burke in his office where he expressed a warm welcome and assurance that we will always find the city a safe environment for the Islamic Society of VT. 


From that moment on, we felt the strong bond between our congregation and the SBPD. When tragic events unfold in our nation or around the world, SBPD is always step ahead of everyone offering extra patrolling around our area.


We at the Islamic Society of Vermont feel so fortunate to have SBPD as a valuable community partner, and I hope we continue to foster this excellent relationship between us for years to come.

© 2024 by South Burlington
Police Department

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